Networking Basics part-1


  • Computer Networking

  • Client-Server Architecture

  • P2P Architecture

  • What is Protocol

  • IP(Internet Protocol) Address

  • Port Address

Computer Networking

Computer Networking is a connection of different computers or hosts for sharing or receiving various data. There are various ways or architecture of connecting hosts or computers, example, client-sever architecture, P2P(Peer to Peer) architecture. It works on certain set of rules which is commonly known as protocols.

Client-Server Architecture

Whenever we request anything on internet(example Google), then that request is made to the server of respective site, which holds the information and then we get our results fetched from the server and is provided to the Client(user). Another example can be of Gmail. So, whenever we transfer our mail on Gmail then it first goes to the sender's SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server and from there it goes to receiver's SMTP server and from this server it falls to the receiver's inbox. So, this whole process is done for sending the mail on Gmail.

P2P Architecture

In P2P architecture, various computers are connected to each other and acts as both client and server respectively. Here, there is no intermediary host's server and files can be transferred or received directly.

What is Protocol

So, protocol is a set of rules for setting or formatting the data. Real Life Analogy--> when two persons of different language backgrounds have to communicate then, we adopt an intermediary path by using a translator. Same is with the protocol. When different computers working on different networking models are communicating then there is a use of various protocols which helps in helps in communicating regardless. The Internet Society is responsible for developing set of rules/protocols which are used to communicate and do various other activities over the network.

IP(Internet Protocol) Address

Imagine computer A,B and C are running on the same network. Computer A makes a request to the google server to fetch some images to it. So, as usual google server will fetch the images and then it becomes ready to send the images to the computer. But, how will the server know which computer or client has requested for the images as A, B and C are running on the same network. So, this problem is resolved by the IP Address. Every computer has it's own unique IP Address which helps in identification of the computer . Hence, the images will be received by that computer whose IP Address matches with the IP Address of the computer who made the request.

Port Address

After the successful identification of the computer or client on the internet or network, then how will the requested image(Analogy from IP) will get to know which application among various applications running in the computer has requested the image. So, here comes the role of Port Address which helps in uniquely identifying which application it has to go.

That's it for today ! Hope you liked the blog. All the suggestions for the blog is open. Thank you #BlogsWithCC for all the open opportunities and free learning.